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Currently there are no openings for a long-term residency at Dirt Palace Classic. 
We'll post in our newsletter and on instagram when an opening is available.
For a link to sign up to our newsletter - Go here.
Below is some sample questions from the form to apply to be a resident at Dirt Palace: 



Name, email, phone number, pronouns 
Term for which you are applying (date on which you would like to move in). Terms are structured to be one year with the option to renew. If you know that you are looking for another term (for example if you know that you would need to move out in October of 2021, please also indicate that here) 

For the following questions if you'd prefer to upload a video or audio file of yourself verbally responding to the question there will be a space to do that at the end of the section - if you'd like to write out answers, we're flexible about length. We don't want for this application to feel onerous. That said we recognize that for some people longer answers require more labor and effort and for others shorter answers require more labor and effort. Usually responses are in the range of 100-500 words per question...but we're flexible...maybe just try to keep responses to less than 2,000 words. 

        1. Tell us about your relationship to art. What do you make?

        2. What is motivating you to apply to the Dirt Palace at this point in your creative trajectory?

        3. What are your artistic goals for the next year

        4. Are there any facilities or components of the Dirt Palace structure that would be helpful to achieving                your goals
        5. Give an example of how you connect with the Dirt Palace’s mission and values. This could be                        through your work, creative practice, life experience, organizing or other activities or experiences.

        6. Share with us some examples of your work - use this space to list links to anything online - websites, social media accounts, reviews. Work Samples: paste links below: Still images: 8 -12 max. Please put these into a google slide presentation and share a link below.  Video or audio: 5 minutes or less - please share as a link. Writing: 5 pages or less - please share as a link to a google doc or pdf. If your work is interdisciplinary, we're pumped, but be reasonable! If you're going to share work in multiple formats, provide less in each format.  For Google Slide show links or any google docs - PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT THE SHARE SETTINGS ARE SET SO THAT ANYONE WITH THE LINK CAN VIEW!!!

        - Use this space to upload any files that you'd like

I have reviewed the Occupancy and consciousness document and understand the terms of this residency and: * (multiple choice)
        - I have no questions
        - I have questions, they’re listed below!
        - I have questions, but they're too complex to list below, I'll ask them if this application moves to the                  interview phase

        - My questions are as follows (leave blank if you don't have questions or if you checked that you'd                    follow up in an interview)

        7. If it doesn't work out with this specific residency opportunity I might be interested in other                              opportunities.. please keep my name and application in mind for the following (check all that interest              you)
                  - Future residencies at Dirt Palace "classic" (keep this application on file!) 
                  - Short-term residency opportunities at The Wedding Cake House
                  - Exhibition opportunities (front window project etc.)
                  - Events and performance opportunities (when such experiences return to us in the post-covid                            world)

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